Woman With A Message

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January 27

Today we have another letter from soldier Paul to his family to the Zerzawy family in Brüx, Bohemia. It’s interesting that he tells his family his location and some of what is happening. Perhaps that is because it was delivered personally rather than through the post. Most of Harry’s WWII letters say “somewhere in the South Pacific” or the location is blacked out.

I am sorry I don’t know more of WWI history to really understand his letters. In the “quiet” of wartime, Paul makes travel and time off seem easy and possible. His location in Romania is about 600 miles from home, Paul may not go home on all is vacations, but according to his letters, he does it fairly often. He receives mail from his family often as well as from from his brother Erich, a POW in Siberia.

Feldpost 211, 27 January 1918

My dear ones!

I just met with Mr. Max Black who offered to take this letter with him to Brüx. The proper answer to your letters from the 10th, 19th and 20th of December will follow later. Right now, I only want to tell you that as of yesterday I am a kaiserlich und königliche ensign in the unit [in the Imperial and Royal Army]. Commentary and details later. The time is short and I do not want to miss my meeting with Black.  

Currently I am with the 7th company in Hangulesti [Romania], the position of the regiment troops. On the 1st we are dissolving the First Battalion (now positioned near Calieni which is at the confluence of the Putmar and the Sereth).

Right now I’m doing well. What I’m missing now is a vacation. I am working on it with full steam, but it depends on the following: that the other officers of our group who are on vacation return soon. Because I actually am not entitled to a vacation right now.

As you know it is completely quiet on the Front, but we cannot trust that this quietness will continue, because every day other little “events” happen. This fact you know better than I from the newspapers, because I haven’t been out in the world for an eternity.

Erich’s letter is enclosed. Please write to him from me! Greetings to our acquaintances, especially Lido!