June 10

Helene sends the following brief note to let her children Eva and Harry know they are never out of her thoughts.


 Vienna, 10 June 1941

My dear children! This week also has passed by without having received any letters from you. Papa is working like crazy to arrange our departure and all of our matters more quickly. You will have no idea of the difficulties which we have had to overcome. Yes, it is no pleasure to travel during time of war. The pleasure will not come until we can take you into our arms again. We had such a stressful day yesterday that I have very little time for writing today and I am also very tired. The purpose of the few lines today is just to allow for no interruption in our correspondence and to let you know that we are doing well. As far as our matters are concerned, nothing has changed since the last letter. It is possible that there will be more to report in the next few days.

For today, just lots and lots of kisses to you and all the loved ones


As Helene writes this letter, Harry is preparing to graduate from Washington High School

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