From 8-year old Hilda’s diary:
Grandmother had company this afternoon. All her friends must be very stupid because they always ask me the same questions. Am I a good little girl? Do I like school? What do I want to be when I grow up? I always say yes, I am a good little girl and yes I like school and when I grow up I want to be a writer. Today I was tired of telling them that so I said that when I grow up I want to be married. They all laughed and said that was very smart of me and I said I thought so too, because all the married women I know can do just as they please. They don’t have to ask anyone. They go downtown and buy their own dresses and go into the kitchen and order their own dinners and the maids have to do everything they tell them to do. Their husbands also have to do everything they tell them, too.