From 8-year old Hilda’s diary:
Today Aunt Josie came to tea and she brought me another present. It is a beautiful book and it is called “Chinese Fairy Tales.” It is full of such lovely pictures. There is one of lotus blossoms and another of little round bridges and of little Chinese children dancing in a ring, just like we do at school. While we were at the table I asked her why she was a snob and just what is a snob? Everyone got very excited and Grandmother sent me away from the parlor so I went upstairs to my room. Afterwards Grandmother came up and talked to me and asked me how I could say such a rude thing to a guest and whatever made me think of such a thing. I told her that she had said it about Aunt Josie and I just wanted to know what one was and wanted to know how you got to be one. Anyhow I love Aunt Josie. I would love anyone who brought me such wonderful books and it wouldn’t matter what they were.
The book appears to have been “Chinese Fairy Tales” by Adele M. Fielde. The second edition was published in 1912. You can see a digital copy at the Internet Archive. If you click on the “Read” button you can see the original book and its illustrations. You can see the picture of lotus blossoms on page 119 and of the bridge on page 137. I did not find the picture of children dancing.