July 20

Link to Family Tree to understand family relationships.

Today we have a letter from Yomtov Cohen, one of Vitali’s relatives (a nephew or cousin?) in Istanbul. We have seen previous letters he wrote trying to facilitate her release and emigration to the U.S. to rejoin her children at last. Helene arrived in Istanbul two months earlier in a prisoner trade which liberated her from Ravensbrück and has been living as a prisoner in Istanbul as well. In a few of Harry’s letters to his sister Eva (see May 17, June 5 and July 13 posts), it is clear he is frustrated about not being in San Francisco to help her bring their mother over. Letters and memos from the Joint, which was paying for housing for the prisoners in Istanbul, talk about trying to move people though as quickly and economically as possible (see July 10 post). I assume I have this letter because it was sent to Eva in San Francisco to help her understand what steps were necessary to speed up her mother’s release. This letter touches on yet another worry for Helene – will she be “encouraged” (pressured?) to go to Palestine instead of waiting for the resources to get to her desired destination?


Istanbul, July 20, 1945

Dear Mrs. Helene,

I have received your valued letter.

According to your wishes, I sent one of my employees to the American Vice Consul to find out something about your case.  He was informed that the papers having to do with the affidavit have not been received yet.  To speed things up, it would be necessary for Eva in America to expedite sending in the relevant documents.  Can you write to your daughter and send me the letter so that I can send it on to her via airmail?

As far as the registrations are concerned, my employee was given the enclosed form which you should kindly answer and return to me so that your request may be registered at the American Consulate.  However, I have the impression that the matter will take quite a while.  Thus, expediting the matter in America could speed things up here.

Could you please let me know what your situation is here.  Will you be able to stay here longer, or will you be encouraged to go to Palestine?

Expecting, as always, your valued news, I remain
